GestaltMatcher API (GM API) is a REST API to provide the GestaltMatcher service. GestaltMatcher is a next-generation phenotyping approach that can predict the disorder/gene by analyzing the frontal image (T.-C. Hsieh et al., 2022; Hustinx et al., 2023). Users can send the image via GM API and obtain the gestalt scores of 449 disorders/genes predicted by GestaltMatcher. It can also be further integrated into user’s variant prioritization platform to facilitate the exome variants prioritization, such as PEDIA approach (T. C. Hsieh et al., 2019). To access GM API, please contact Prof. Peter Krawitz via email ( For technical assistance or to arrange a demo meeting, please contact Dr. Tzung-Chien Hsieh (
1. Authentication
- Request example:
POST https:/
- Response:
200 {token: zzz} - please use this token to authenticate the following two steps. The token is only valid for 10 minutes. Please redo the authentication (Step 1), once it is expired. 400 {msg: Unauthorized.}
2. Send image
- Request example:
POST https:/ { "images": [ {"base64": "cGlj...yZQ=="} ], }
- Response:
200 { "msg": "Image is uploaded successfully.", "service_id": 1234 } 401 { "msg": "Token expired." } { "msg": "Invalid token." } 400 { "msg": "Invalid file." }
3. Fetch prediction result
- Request example:
GET https:/
Please replace xxx with the service id you received in the previous step.
- Response:
- You will receive a list of predicted syndromes with gestalt score and syndrome information. Because the gestalt
score is the distance, the smaller distance indicates a higher probability. Image id is the nearest image of the
syndrome, you can further check this patient in GestaltMatcher Database to verify whether the predicted
syndrome/patient is similar to your patient.
{ "results": [ { "distance": 0.492, "gestalt_score": 0.492, "image_id": "4992", "omim_id": 194050, "subject_id": 3631, "syndrome_id": 1, "syndrome_name": "WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS" }, { "distance": 0.711, "gestalt_score": 0.711, "image_id": "6103", "omim_id": 610954, "subject_id": 4336, "syndrome_id": 15, "syndrome_name": "PITT-HOPKINS SYNDROME; PTHS" },... ], "service_id": "5", "version": "1.0.3" }